
Roast: Brazil / Ethiopia Decaf Espresso

A blend of Brazil Cerrado WP Decaf and Ethiopia DP Sidamo WP Decaf. 110g of the Brazil and 90g of the Ethiopia, pre-blended.

Time Temp Heater Fan Notes
00:00 260 10 0
00:30 190 10 0
01:00 182 10 0
01:30 195 10 0
02:00 214 10 0
02:30 233 10 0
03:00 250 10 0
03:30 267 10 0
04:00 283 10 0
04:30 297 10 0
05:00 310 10 0
05:30 323 10 0
06:00 335 10 0
06:30 346 10 0
07:00 357 5 0
07:30 368 5 0
08:00 376 5 0 375 FC pop
08:30 382 5 0 this was just early
09:00 388 5 0
09:30 392 5 0 slow FC
10:00 396 5 0
10:30 400 5 0
11:00 404 5 0
11:30 408 5 0
12:00 413 5 0
12:30 418 5 0
13:00 423 5 0
13:30 429 5 0 426 sc?
14:00 434 5 0 431 starting to roll, dropped at 434