
Adventures in HD

Mandy’s back from her conference and she’s completely wiped out, so she headed to bed early tonight. I sat on the couch for a while and starting poking through the channel guide on our fancy new digital cable box. I thought I’d poke around and find the music stations that are supposed to be on there someplace (found ’em in the 800+ range), but in the process, I stumbled onto something I didn’t expect. PBS (channel 13 to be exact) in HD! I’d been hoping to see PBS in HD, but when I signed up for the HD service, I was told only four stations were offered. Well, up in the 700’s, I found PBS in HD. They had on a show on gardens in the south and the picture and sound were brilliant! I’m really happy I found this tasty new station…

Also, HBO in HD is well worth it. The movies look fantastic.
