Etc Work

Working From Home

Mandy’s always looking out for tips on how to make working from home work out for both of us and she found a great article with some tips for making it work.

For me, the most important things are:

  1. Having a routine with a clear separation between work and home,
  2. Having a set space in the house that is “the office” and
  3. Taking breaks, especially getting out of “the office” for lunch

If you work from home, what works for you?

3 replies on “Working From Home”

Those three points are pretty much the top of my list – until recently I was working from the sofa and not getting much done, but I now have a space cleared out specially in my office, with monitor cable and real keyboard to attach to my laptop, as well as a proper desk and office chair.

Once I have a proper place to work in point 1 because less important for me, but point 3 even more so – I know how much I want to get done in a day and make sure I get that done, but need to have breaks or my brain explodes. Taking brain breaks in the office (hello – that’s what I’m doing now) is much easier than the normally permanent brain break location that is my flat.

I’m working from home tomorrow morning…

Agreed. It’s completely amazing how nice it is to have an “office” – a place in your house where you do work which is separate from the other places in your house where you cook/have fun/relax. My happiness factor about working from home increased 100-fold when we got an office.

I like the no-pajama rule, but I can’t say I always follow it… Isn’t that half the fun of working from home? Some days you can just work in your pajamas. Not being a morning person, I also very much enjoy the first-hour of waking up and getting my coffee/breakfast/news fix before I start working.

I’m officially one month and counting working from home and quite pleased with it so far, but I think it’s been easier because I’m not working 40+ hour weeks. Of course, so far my favorite thing about working from home is the lack of a commute – I hate traffic.

I can’t say I’m a stickler for the no-pajama rule either. If I’ll be on Skype that day, I try to look presentable from the waist up, but most days, I’m not going crazy.

That said, the days I don’t “get ready for work” tend to be the days where work and home life blur together too much for my liking.

And yes, the lack of commute is *awesome*.

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