- Twitter / UMMaizeRage: For the last time, ladies and …
- For the last time, ladies and gentlemen, team 96. #Family
- Infographic: Font Lets You Make Data Maps Of The U.S., Just By Typing | Co.Design: business + innovation + design
- what a brilliant idea: a symbol font of the US states. and it's free.
- Jussi Kalliokoski : Replace all occurences of ‘Shard’ with ‘Card’ in the git repo
- Replace all occurences of 'Shard' with 'Card' in the git repo #git #protip via @coderwall
- “Did we just rip off Marco Arment and The Magazine?” – Marco.org
- “The apps don’t matter as much as we like to think.” I couldn't agree more with @marcoarment here.
- Go Database! Docs
- Serious nerd boner: god is a scalable, performant, persistent, in-memory data structure server.
- Asterisk PBX + Google Voice / How I set up 100% free landline calling – AnandTech Forums
- Marqueterie Mysteries | Lost Art Press
- Marqueterie Mysteries
- For anyone who has not seen/heard this by now, enjoy it please.
- Twitter / bltww: Yard is kegerator painted. …
- Yard is kegerator painted. Now it needs a clear coat and some decals.
- This Isn’t the Petition Response You’re Looking For | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
- The white house responds to the Death Star petition:
- osx – What are some tips or tricks for Terminal in Mac OS X? – Ask Different
- Great list of Mac OS X command line tips, e.g. open, mdfind, opensnoop