
A hidden feature in Bloglines beta

Lots of folks know about the hotkey support in Bloglines. You can hit “j” to move to the next item and “k” to move to the previous one. One item we’re trying out in the beta is a double-tap on “j” when you reach the end of a feed or folder. When you get to the last item, hit “j” once like you want to move to the next item and then hit it again to tell us, yes really do it. The next feed or folder (depending on what’s currently selected) will open up and you’ll be taken to the first item. Single-key reading ftw!


Thanks Tony!

Tony Morgan has a nice writeup on why he uses Bloglines. I just wanted to say thanks for the positive words. :)  3Pane view + iframe view really does change things quite a bit. We use it all the time internally.


Yes Virginia, there is a Faraday Cage

I saw one of these repair and inspection guys while cruising through Vermont one day. It looks even crazier in person.

via kottke



Have an itch to chat with Bloglines engineers? You can usually find some of us on #bloglines on the FreeNode IRC servers. If you come join us, I’m blowery.


Awesome Mixer Deal

OK, so this is a little off-topic, but Amazon has an awesome deal on the Kitchen-Aid 600 Series 6 Quart mixer. Mandy and I love to bake and our mixer is one of our favorite things. At $215 after rebate, this cannot be beat. Make sure you pick the licorice color if the link above didn’t already pre-select it.