Slow day?
Category: Etc
Everything that doesn’t fit anywhere else
So long Mark
Mark announced today that he’s leaving Bloglines. I just wanted to say that it’s been great working with him and an honor to help make Bloglines even better over the past few months. I’ve learned a ton from him and wish him the best of luck in whatever venture he decides to go after next. Given the track record, I’m sure it’ll be great!
New Bloglines search live!
Bloglines has a fancy new search engine as of about an hour ago! A lot of time and effort went into the project (I did most of the Javascript / HTML / CSS work) and everyone on the team is happy it’s gone into the world. Give it a shot and let us know what you think!
Congrats to everyone on the team, and I’m looking forward to continued improvements to my favorite online RSS reader. I’m very lucky to work with some awesome folks who made this thing happen.
Fancy new sidebar
Thanks to I have a fancy new little thing in the sidebar that shows you stuff that I found interesting recently. You can also subscribe to my interesting stuff if you use an rss reader, like Bloglines
Gratuitous Post To Another Blog
Something that adds nothing to the conversation already going on, but makes me feel like I’m part of the community.