
Dbeunknig teh mtyh

Remember that wacky paragraph that went around the internet a while ago with all the weirdly misspelled words? It turns out it’s probably not true.

I totally bought it.


The men of C++ calendar?

I’m inspired. Hillel sent me a link to the conference he was attending last week, DevConnections (he was on the C++ track). After viewing the speakers list, I’m sure I make my first million with a “Men (and woman) of C++” calendar.

Definitely. Look for it on shelves soon.

And if it’s a hit, I already have material for a second edition!


Mochikit is so ridiculously hot

Mochikit is one of the many Javascript frameworks to pop up recently. It’s inspired by a lot of the functional programming fun from python and looks like it’s quite nice to use. Bob put up a screencast that shows off a bunch of the features… Definitely worth checking out if you’re doing Web 2.0 / AJAX / DHTML / whatever the hell we’re calling it this week.


Great advice to keep in mind when designing methods

As stated in the SLAR notes for System.Net.Authorization, avoid boolean parameters to methods.
Use an enum that captures the intent of the parameter instead. I hate
System.String.Compare(string, string, bool) for just this reason.
String.Compare("ben", "Ben", true) just looks silly to me. I much
prefer the new version that takes a StringComparison enum, resulting in
String.Compare("ben", "Ben", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase).


Einstein’s head grafted onto robot

Yes, now the man who gave us the wonderful theory of relativity is alive and kicking with his head grafted on a robot body.

One day, this won’t be a joke. Just you wait.