
Windows Media getting CableCard support

Now this is sexy. Finally I could turn
my home PC into a DVR capable of
recording HD
shows off my cable connection (or so it appears). I can’t
wait for 2006! (found on Engadget)


I’m watching you (or trying)

A few days ago, I added Google Analytics
to this site to see how Google’s taking on web tracking. So far, it
seems to think data is being gathered, but no data is showing up.
Apparently, a number of other folks are having this problem, though some folks are starting to see results.

Update! Since analytics isn’t really working out (yet), I did some poking around and found some similiar services:

  • MeasureMap – looks pretty sweet, though it’s very blog centric. From the folks at adaptive path. Appears to be invite only, but free if you get in.
  • Site Meter – they’ve been around quite a while. Generic web tracking, with a free version and some fancier pay for versions.
  • HitBox Pro – from WebSideStory. Definitely not free, but looks to be pretty comprehensive.

Canon 5D over on DPReview

Phil Askey recently published his extraoridinarily in-depth review of the Canon 5D. I’d love to own on these guys, but at the current price point of $3200, it’s out of my reach. I’m pretty happy with the photos that
come out of my Canon 10D, though I’d love the high ISO performance and full-frame goodness of the 5D. Maybe prices will drop after Christmas…


Odd margin on li in Firefox

I found a little oddity on how <li> elements are rendered on Firefox 1.0. To share what I learned, I put up a short primer on the problem and how to overcome it.


Updated HttpCompress for .NET 2

I just pushed out an updated version of
that replaces #ziplib with the built-in compression classes provided by
the .NET 2 class library. If you’re running on 2.0, give it a go and
see how it performs.

I’ve done only minor smoke testing at this point, so I have no idea
if this will perform better or worse than #ziplib. The framework
classes do not appear to allow you to set the compression level, so
I’ll probably release any version sometime soon that allows you to
choose what underlying compression engine you’d like to use.

Also, if anyone has any outstanding bug fixes for the compression module, send them along and I’ll get them worked into the source. Thanks!