Ah, back to posting images. On our way back from Manchester, Mandy and I stopped at the Holiday Inn in Clarion, PA. Hilarity ensued.
Everything that doesn’t fit anywhere else
Ah, back to posting images. On our way back from Manchester, Mandy and I stopped at the Holiday Inn in Clarion, PA. Hilarity ensued.
Just so I remember where to find it again when I need it: Alton Brown’s Chocolate Chip cookies.
I just picked up HalfLife2 from Best Buy and I’m working through the installer. Here’s the great part: it ships on five, count’em, five cd-roms. Dear Valve, there’s this neat new technology called a “DVD”. Please look into it.
More evidence that fall will not be denied from the Rockefeller State Park Preserve.
Taken at Rockefeller State Park Preserve, fairly early in the morning. Tripods are wonderful things.