
HttpCompressionModule under stress

I just got this mail from someone who’s using my HttpCompressionModule. 
He took it upon himself to do some performance testing on the module and here are
the results:

Microsoft’s free “Web Application Stress” tool.

WAS ran on a server with a T-3 Internet connection to the test server.

Test Server:
Windows 2003 Server
~1800 MHz AMD CPU
500 Megs RAM

WAS Settings:
All default except:
Stress Level (threads) 60
2 sockets per thread
Test Run Time: 3 mins

Without HttpCompressionModule
CPU Averaged 31%
Number of hits:              
Requests per Second:          133.37
TTLB (Time to Last byte) Avg: 639.31
Resultant File Size: 6807 bytes

WITH HttpCompressionModule
(deflate and gzip nearly same results)
CPU Averaged 97%
Number of hits:              
Requests per Second:          311
TTLB (Time to Last byte) Avg: 317.17
Resultant File Size : 1758 bytes



Buyer Beware

From Florin
Lazar’s WebLog
, a link to a piece
on grey market items and the crazy prices
you sometimes find from online retailers. 
I’ve dealt with similar vendors for computer parts in the past, and my only
advice is to do some research on whomever you’re going to buy from first and
if you have any doubts at all, order from a reputable vendor instead.  The extra
money is not worth the headache of unusable rebates, void warranties, and no customer


no photoshopping money…

 From jwz & Wired:

“Adobe Systems acknowledged Friday it quietly added technology to the
world’s best-known graphics software at the request of government regulators and international
bankers to prevent consumers from making copies of the world’s major currencies.”


REVIEWED: Microsoft Wrist.NET (MSN Direct) Watch from Fossil

Scott Hanselman picked up on the new MSN Direct watches by Fossil and posted
his review
. It looks pretty neat, if extremely dorky.  It’s a watch
that uses the FM band to send and receive information that you subscribe to. 
Things like stock quotes, weather information, and other random stuff.  It integrates
with Microsoft’s Passport and can integrate to some degree with Outlook. 


The miniPod goes to 11?

Saw this via Gizmodo: Alex
Salkever compares
the miniPod’s introduction to Spinal Tap’s famous
“it goes to 11” scene.  I have to say, I completely agree. 
I own a 10 gig iPod and when the battery
, I’m not sure what I’m going to replace it with.  It certainly
won’t be a miniPod, especially at that price.