is set using a variety of type depending on your browser and operating system. For Macs, you’re probably seeing this in Lucida Grande, while on Windows Vista machines, it’s most likely Cambria.
The theme is Rococo, designed by myself, but inspired by Derek Powazek’s DePo Skinny, Ryan Tomayko and Mark Pilgrim.
This site is driven by WordPress and a whole slew of plugins:
Akismet Anti-Spam 4.1.3
» Automattic (url)
Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from spam. It keeps your site protected even while you sleep. To get started: activate the Akismet plugin and then go to your Akismet Settings page to set up your API key.
AMP 1.5.3
» AMP Project Contributors (url)
Enable AMP on your WordPress site, the WordPress way.
Crowdsignal Polls & Ratings 2.2.0
» Automattic, Inc. (url)
Create and manage Crowdsignal polls and ratings in WordPress
Google XML Sitemaps 4.1.0
» Arne Brachhold (url)
This plugin improves SEO using sitemaps for best indexation by search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and others.
PuSHPress 0.1.9
» Joseph Scott & Automattic (url)
WebSub/PubSubHubbub plugin for WordPress that includes the hub
Semantic-Linkbacks 3.10.1
» Matthias Pfefferle (url)
Semantic Linkbacks for WebMentions, Trackbacks and Pingbacks
Stackable - Gutenberg Blocks 2.3.0
» Gambit Technologies, Inc (url)
An Amazing Block Library That Lets You Reimagine the Way You Use the WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg).
Webmention 4.0.3
» Matthias Pfefferle (url)
Webmention support for WordPress posts
WP-PluginsUsed 1.50.1
» Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan (url)
Display WordPress plugins that you currently have (both active and inactive) onto a post/page.
WP Google Analytics 1.4.1
» Aaron D. Campbell (url)
Lets you use Google Analytics to track your WordPress site statistics
Zone Manager (Zoninator) 0.8
» Mohammad Jangda, Automattic (url)
Curation made easy! Create “zones” then add and order your content!