
Frivalous lawsuits are for kids

So this girl in New Jersey is suing her school district to be the sole valedictorian. Do people not have better things to do with their time than worry about inconsequential stuff like this? I mean, come on. You’re eating up tax payer’s money dealing with this petty crap.


How to make a comic strip

The guys over at Penny Arcade put up this enlightening video on how the strip is actually drawn. It’s pretty long, but really interesting to watch. I had no idea people could draw lines that consistently curved freehand.


May 2nd, Chicago-Style

I’m in!. Are you?


O’ Knight Rider, Where Art Thou?

There just nothing I can say. Ugh.


Goodbye Tin, Hello Shiny

I’ve never really understood why some Apple apps have that Brushed Metal look and most other have the Aqua look. I’d heard that programs that represent physical devices should be Brushed, but Safari is hardly a physical device. That said, here is a handy little app that turns Safari into an Aqua-style application, which is the way it should have been in the first place, in my opinion.