
Linkage: July 30th, 2013 to August 8th, 2013

Untitled (
Streaming asset pipeline so no build step yes pls: (+ workflow geeks @addyosmani, @paul_irish and @SlexAxton)
The Penultimate Woodshop: My Crozy Shop Floor: Part II, The Floor Part
New Penultimate Post My Crozy Shop Floor: Part II, The Floor Part
“Debugging runtime errors with ‘window.onerror’ in Blink” —

Mike West

'window.onerror' has recently become significantly more useful in Blink: Please bang on it, and send me bug reports!
Six board chest glamour shots | She Works Wood
Very proud to have supplied the Sapele on this project. This is a home run by Marilyn!
‪Surprise! Under that grey and weathered surface lies a surprise. – RenaissanceWW‬
Surprise! Under that grey and weathered surface lies a surprise.
Adventures in Voiceover – YouTube
When Kristen heard me do this VO trick, her head exploded. I'm not convinced it's special, but see what you think.