
Breaking the seal on Bloglines beta

Over at $workplace, we finally pushed out a beta of our redesign ((known affectionately as βloglines)). The redesign is a bit more than just a UI redo; it’s actually a reimplementation from the CGI layer up and takes a much different approach web site construction than the current production site. It’s not quite feature complete vs. the production site, but it’s very useable for day-to-day feed reading for our current users. Definitely check it out and let me know what you think. More to come soon on how we built it and all the fun things we’ve run into. Stay tuned…


Slide 70 is my new desktop

Alex just posted slides from his recent talk on Web Standards and how they help and hurt the web in general. Definitely worth a look.


iBloglines for the iPhone

Tonight we pushed out the code to light up, a version of Bloglines designed for the iPhone. We consider it to be pretty betaish, but it’s definitely useable and fun.

A big thanks to Joe Hewitt and the folks behind iUI for blazing this trail…

Paul has a much better writeup of where this came from..


Monday the 9th

Good socks make feet happy.

  • Still getting settled back into the routine. Days go so fast now.
  • Did some work getting the scons build + the Dojo build to play nice together. We did some evil things a while ago and unraveling all the evil is taking time.
  • Cable guy showed up with our shiny new Scientific Atlanta 8300HD DVR. You can record two shows at once and it has an eSATA port on the back, though no word on if it works or how to activate it. Built in 160GB hard drive and so far it seems pretty darn ok. Picture quality is really really good.
  • Made our standard garlic lemon roast chicken for dinner. Chicken Good.
  • Jack’s growing like a champ. He put on nearly a pound and grew a good 1/2″ over the last two doctor’s visits.

Back in the saddle again

And so ends paternity leave and vacation.  We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.