
Who you gonna call?

Ajax Ghost Busters

Saw this on Drawn! and had to share it. If only I had a  hi-res version for the wall. :) Originally posted on Animation Backgrounds.


Congrats to Dojo on 1.0!

Last night, Dojo 1.0 was tagged and released into the wild for all to play with. Massive congratulations to the entire team on this phenomenal piece of work. As has been documented before, it’s the underpinning of the new Bloglines front-end and has served as a excellent foundation upon which to build.

More in the future about how we’re using Dojo, why we chose it and how we interact with it internally.



For those only seeing this in feed readers, is sporting a new look today. Out with the dark, in with the light. Come check it out. :)


ssh keys and Leopard

I’ve been an SSHKeychain user for quite a while and I was a little concerned that something would change with Leopard that would kill it off for a while. Well, it turns out Leopard pretty much obviates the need for it. If you have private keys in your .ssh directory with the name id_dsa or id_rsa, Leopard will automatically try to add them to ssh-agent and optionally store the password in your Keychain. Thanks to Rachel Greenham for pointing this out.


Leopard is a pretty kitty (gone bad?)

I just got Leopard installed about.. 15 minutes ago and so far my favorite new thing: Safari 3. Holy crap is it fast. Bloglines beta is positively zippy, as is every other web site I’ve visited so far. It just blows the doors off Firefox on a Mac for overall browsing experience.Now if I just had Firebug for Safari3, I’d be a very very happy camper.

Update: Hit my first snag. Adobe’s Creative Suite 3 Web Premium Upgrade does not want to install. The shared components go in alright but the actual applications that I use (like Photoshop and Fireworks) all fail the install. Anyone run into this and find a work-around?

Update Update: Worked around this one by using the Migration Assistant after finishing the clean install. Photoshop works just fine now, or at least it appears to.