
Linkage: October 18th, 2012 to November 16th, 2012

Setting up Emacs as a Javascript editing environment for Fun or Profit « Deadpan Sincerity
Some good tips on setting up Emacs to edit Javascript. This is where I stumbled upon auto-complete-mode. js-comint is super super handy.
Auto Complete Mode – The most intelligent auto-completion extension for GNU Emacs
Wow, an auto completion mode for emacs that actually seems to work. Worth a shot.
Tom Blomfield: Making something people want – The GoCardless story
"Most startups aren't competing with other startups; they're competing with no one giving a shit".
Writing Fast, Memory-Efficient JavaScript | Smashing Coding
Writing Fast, Memory-Efficient JavaScript –
Leaner Programmer Anarchy
Longish talk on programming and using anarchy to get shit done

Linkage: October 9th, 2012 to October 18th, 2012

Rands In Repose: The Elegant Email
Rands on writing good email.
Escaping Captivity: Social Apes making Software in the Wild
Isaac Schlueter's talk from Node Dublin on emergent structure in NPM
Anarchism at TacoConf
Isaac Schlueter's slides from his talk on Anarchism and NodeJS at TacoConf.
Romney Proudly Explains How He’s Turned Campaign Around | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source
"The best part is, it’s really easy to lie." – Mitt Romney
Talarico Hardwoods
Looks like a great source for quarter-sawn white oak