
Linkage: November 4th, 2013 to November 25th, 2013

Luigi Prina: The Ships That Sail Through The Clouds | Blinking City
This is beautiful- Luigi Prina: The Ships That Sail Through The Clouds via @blinkincity
Versioning in a repo
I've been pondering the right way to deal with version stamping in a source repo. Please comment on the gist. :)
The Ox on Vimeo
@blowery Not sure you've seen this but
Security of Infrastructure Secrets
new blog post: Security of Infrastructure Secrets
Selo/Shevel Gallery to close after 31 years in downtown Ann Arbor |
RT @annarbornews: Selo/Shevel Gallery to close after 31 years in downtown Ann Arbor

Linkage: September 11th, 2013 to November 3rd, 2013

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I wrote about some of the differences between implementing QuickCheck in Clojure and Haskell: #simple-check
DevTools 3min – YouTube
. @campd's excellent DevTools video, 3min: via @YouTube
Twitter / jaythrash: Need a MBP stand? All you need …
Need a MBP stand? All you need is about $3 in PVC parts…
My gif workflow
One of the best screencapture to gif workflows by none other than @slexaxton
How I fixed an anonymous infinite loop in jsbin
How I fixed an *anonymous* infinite loop in @js_bin: #node #gdb

Linkage: August 15th, 2013 to August 29th, 2013

Adrienne @ Manchester High School
I'm at Manchester High School (Manchester, MI)
ECMAScript Internationalization API – Generated Content by David Storey
The new JavaScript internationalization library is very exciting:
Rob Conery | Web development with Ruby on Rails, Node, and Whatever Bleeds. Co-owner/Founder of Tekpub, Creator of This Developer’s Life
Javascript Frameworks Are Amazing and Nobody is Happy
XKCD Plots in Matplotlib: Going the Whole Way
matplotlib has an "xkcd" plotting style! This is big #python #pylab
The final Blimpy Burger: ‘All good things come to an end’
Check out the final Blimpy Burger: 'All good things come to an end'

Linkage: July 30th, 2013 to August 8th, 2013

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Streaming asset pipeline so no build step yes pls: (+ workflow geeks @addyosmani, @paul_irish and @SlexAxton)
The Penultimate Woodshop: My Crozy Shop Floor: Part II, The Floor Part
New Penultimate Post My Crozy Shop Floor: Part II, The Floor Part
“Debugging runtime errors with ‘window.onerror’ in Blink” —

Mike West

'window.onerror' has recently become significantly more useful in Blink: Please bang on it, and send me bug reports!
Six board chest glamour shots | She Works Wood
Very proud to have supplied the Sapele on this project. This is a home run by Marilyn!
‪Surprise! Under that grey and weathered surface lies a surprise. – RenaissanceWW‬
Surprise! Under that grey and weathered surface lies a surprise.
Adventures in Voiceover – YouTube
When Kristen heard me do this VO trick, her head exploded. I'm not convinced it's special, but see what you think.

Linkage: June 24th, 2013 to July 29th, 2013

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No matter which side you're on, this is pretty much every programming algorithm interview ever:
Photo by joemccann

• Instagram

Bro is bro-ing so hard
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Alternative Flat UI Buttons from @apphacker
No Parkinson’s with the flip of a switch
Man with Parkinson's switches off his brain pacemaker with dramatic results
Video: Stain-proof shoes and water-proof phones to become a reality – Telegraph
Wow, Rust-Oleum’s NeverWet is straight up black magic. Stain and water-proof most anything: