
Linkage: August 8th, 2012 to August 14th, 2012

Computer Science | Khan Academy
Yes, yes yes! Khan Academy's new interactive Computer Science learning platform looks fantastic: (Yay, Processing.js!)
John Resig – Redefining the Introduction to Computer Science
Introducing Khan Academy Computer Science:
Tastemaker Wants To Make Interior Design More Affordable And Accessible | TechCrunch
So proud of our former @giltgroupe employee @estherpark
who just launched on @Techcrunch today!
You can’t spell POTUS without POUTS. on Twitpic
You can't spell POTUS without POUTS.
Screen-optimized fonts “look cheap on the retina MacBook Pro.” / Cameron Moll / Designer, Speaker, Author
Screen-optimized fonts “look cheap on the retina MacBook Pro.”
Why Blacksmiths are Better at Startups than You « Unicornfree
why blacksmiths are better at startups than you are:
Design Tip: Never Use Black by Ian Storm Taylor
great tips on using "black" in an interface
Vim as your IDE
Nice overview of setting up Vim as an IDE
JLOUIS Ramblings: Getting 2.5 Megalines of code to behave
Erlang programmers view on Curiosity Rover software
One Race, Every Medalist Ever – Interactive Graphic –
An amazing visualization of winning times in the 100m dash.

Linkage: July 16th, 2012 to July 20th, 2012

CityTracking maps
who's using stamen's fantastic map tiles
Twitter / thomasfuchs: Your ads better be retina- …
Your ads better be retina-ready, too. Looking at you, Google.
DISCLOSE Act, new donor transparency law, blocked in Senate – 2chambers – The Washington Post
Disappointed Rs blocked #DISCLOSE Act last night. Bill would increase transparency & accountability in our elections.
Saratoga Springs Gutters (Mountain Top Seamless Gutters Inc.) – Gutter Installation, Gutter Cleaning, Saratoga, NY
Gutter man
Quick, hide the chips
Bit draconion, ya think?