
Linkage: November 16th, 2012 to December 5th, 2012

Level Legs the Easy Way
Neat trick for leveling legs on four-legged objects. Requires a table saw.
ITTEN: The Elements of Color, 1970.
Wonderful book on color
Git Immersion
Good starting point for Git
Save _flymake files in a temporary directory | blog.arithm
How to make flymake behave with javascript using the jshint forumula from EmacsWiki
Using QOS – Tutorial and discussion |
A long, good read on setting up QoS for a SOHO network.

Linkage: August 8th, 2012 to August 14th, 2012

Computer Science | Khan Academy
Yes, yes yes! Khan Academy's new interactive Computer Science learning platform looks fantastic: (Yay, Processing.js!)
John Resig – Redefining the Introduction to Computer Science
Introducing Khan Academy Computer Science:
Tastemaker Wants To Make Interior Design More Affordable And Accessible | TechCrunch
So proud of our former @giltgroupe employee @estherpark
who just launched on @Techcrunch today!
You can’t spell POTUS without POUTS. on Twitpic
You can't spell POTUS without POUTS.
Screen-optimized fonts “look cheap on the retina MacBook Pro.” / Cameron Moll / Designer, Speaker, Author
Screen-optimized fonts “look cheap on the retina MacBook Pro.”
Why Blacksmiths are Better at Startups than You « Unicornfree
why blacksmiths are better at startups than you are:
Design Tip: Never Use Black by Ian Storm Taylor
great tips on using "black" in an interface
Vim as your IDE
Nice overview of setting up Vim as an IDE
JLOUIS Ramblings: Getting 2.5 Megalines of code to behave
Erlang programmers view on Curiosity Rover software
One Race, Every Medalist Ever – Interactive Graphic –
An amazing visualization of winning times in the 100m dash.

Linkage: July 2nd, 2012 to July 3rd, 2012

Chris on naming things, grammar and conveying meaning. Communicating trumps perfection.
Color Wheels are wrong? How color vision actually works by @ASmartBear
Color theory in all it's glory. AKA Color is Hard.
Cabin Porn
Cabin inspiration
A Love Letter to Plywood
Plywood is cool stuff. At least sometimes.
The Desktop Wallpaper Project | The Fox Is Black
A great collection of desktop wallpapers for your computer

Painting with rainbows


Wow. All 120 colors of Crayola crayons, with hex codes. Awesome.