
Linkage: November 16th, 2012 to December 5th, 2012

Level Legs the Easy Way
Neat trick for leveling legs on four-legged objects. Requires a table saw.
ITTEN: The Elements of Color, 1970.
Wonderful book on color
Git Immersion
Good starting point for Git
Save _flymake files in a temporary directory | blog.arithm
How to make flymake behave with javascript using the jshint forumula from EmacsWiki
Using QOS – Tutorial and discussion |
A long, good read on setting up QoS for a SOHO network.

Linkage: May 24th, 2012 to May 31st, 2012

VIDEO: The Mercedes 300SL Gullwing. An instant classic…
Keep 'em running, keep 'em on the road.
On Being the New Boss
Every time Tim Bray says "Mr. Lowery," I cringe a little.
my pupils
stupid eye tricks. the brain is crazy.
US Housing Crisis – Negative Equity Infographic – Zillow
beautiful visualization of a terrible thing
API Design – Matt Gemmell
Mostly focused on iOS / OSX, but good thoughts