
SqueezeCenter + Hardy

I upgraded my Ubuntu boxes to 8.04 last night and ran into but one issue: my SlimServer (now SqueezeCenter) would not start. Apparently I’m not the only one with this problem, and solution for now is to jam some more lines into your /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld

/var/lib/squeezecenter/cache/ r,
/var/lib/squeezecenter/cache/my.cnf r,
/var/lib/squeezecenter/cache/mysql.startup rw,
/var/lib/squeezecenter/cache/mysql-error-log.txt rw,
/var/lib/squeezecenter/cache/ w,
/var/lib/squeezecenter/cache/squeezecenter-mysql.sock w,
/var/lib/squeezecenter/cache/MySQL/ r,
/var/lib/squeezecenter/cache/MySQL/** rwk,

According to the bug report, the installer is fixed in trunk, so with the next release (7.0.1?) this won’t be an issue.

Congrats to the Ubuntu guys for such a seamless upgrade! It was really smooth.


That random castle on the island in the Hudson (Bannerman’s)

Bannerman’s Island

There’s this ruined castle on an island just north of Cold Spring that I always wanted to get out and photograph, but never got the chance. However, I found an excellent write-up of what it is (Bannerman’s Island Arsenal), along with some wonderful photos by Shaun O’Boyle (buy here). Definitely worth a read and a look, and possibly a visit if you’re in the area.


Making cmd.exe pretty

Ah, finally. After years suffering with Lucida Console or that nasty raster font, there’s a way to switch to a decent monospaced font, Consolas, in the Windows cmd.exe windows.



Portishead is finally coming out with a new album, Third. has the full album available for a test listen, and you can pre-order it over on Amazon. So far, I really like it, but I think I’m going to wait to see if it becomes available through the MP3 store before diving in.

(via Nelson)


A crazy pop-up alphabet book

Wow. What an amazing little pop-up alphabet book.. Maybe we’ll get this for Jack when he’s learning his ABC’s?

via Drawn!