
Linkage: March 26th, 2012 to March 29th, 2012

Sweet little ATV robot that can jump like a sand flea
The Continuous Partial Attention Generation
Mike's thoughts on what watching looked like a few generations ago vs now
Entertaining retrospective on the libertarian-fantasy-clusterfuck that was SeaLand and HavenCo
"Ladies and gentlemen, the datacenter"
ASP.NET MVC, Web API, Razor and Open Source
Wow, ASP.NET is going open source, using Git, and potentially taking contributions from the community. Interesting times.
Woodcut Maps: Handcrafted wood-inlay maps, designed by you.
Seems to having load issues, but very cool veneer-based maps, built from a Google map.

Stickley Lost Side Table: Complete

Stickley Lost Side Table. Mahogany & Black Walnut.


It feels like I’ve been working on this little table forever. In calendar time, I think I’m at 9 months, but I guess that’s what happens when you go from one kid to two. Little bits here and there, dimension some stock, cut a mortise, fit a tenon. All in all, my best guess on this around 30 hours of work, but this was a bunch of firsts for me.

  1. First time working with Genuine Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) Man, what a beautiful wood to work.
  2. First table with drawer.
  3. First half-blind dovetails and angled at that
  4. First set of compound joinery, between the splayed legs and the through tenon on the stretcher
  5. First keyed through tenons
  6. First piece of furniture, not a shop project I can beat up.
  7. First time using shellac as a finish.

I learned a lot with this project. It looks fairly simple, but the splayed legs and the cross stretcher with the keyed through tenon make laying things out a bit challenging.


Linkage: March 23rd, 2012 to March 26th, 2012

Six Stages of Debugging
There must be 50 ways to close a popup: menus, dropdowns, tooltips, palettes, dialogs, and more
A rundown on many of the common ways you can dismiss a popup dialog. Popups always seem simple to implement, but when you get down to the things like this, the true complication is laid bare.
[Schoolbox] Unscrewed
The last photo is beautiful
Art Du Menuisier, Tom I, II, III
Pictures from Art Du Menuisier, close up. What a beautiful book.
Take Five
A handy little utility that will pause a variety of music client for five minutes (hence the name) and then resume. Something I’ve wished for in the past, but never cobbled up the time to write. Only $1 for a limited time.
responsivepx – a tool for responsive design
@rem built a wonderful tool for finding where designs break so you can insert media queries to reformat the design. Really nice work. The demo site it at
Etc Links

Linkage: March 20th, 2012 to March 22nd, 2012

Chordal on Mechanics
On the three kinds of mechanics. "He has self-confidence enhanced by self-confidence." is my favorite bit.
Suck it rabbit
Screw the Rabbit, I want one of these wine openers.
Without Shame…
Sigh. One day.
On Precise Work and MicroBrewed Furniture
Excellent points. Simple forms, done well are my favorite.
Case study: halving size of iPad app with ImageOptim+ImageAlpha

Interesting stuff from March 16th, 2012 through March 19th, 2012

Very cool data vis and manip in JS
Inside Etsy Hudson
Great look inside Etsy's new space in Hudson, NY
Welcome to Albany Institute of History and Art
Nice upcoming exhibits and great furniture collection
What Does $25 Buy You?
A rather nice lumber rack. Time to build one I think.
Farmer turns down restaurant
Love the Kilpatricks. Great farm, great food, great people.