
Linkage: July 5th, 2012 to July 10th, 2012

Inge Druckrey: Teaching to See on Vimeo
wow. watch this.
Modular JavaScript with RequireJS –
Nice short intro to coding with RequireJS
blackberry gin fizz | smitten kitchen
Yum. I'm a sucker for gin fizz.
10.6: Add NFS Mounts using Disk Utility – Mac OS X Hints
The weird trick that worked for me was to use the 'resvport' option when mounting the NFS share from OSX. Weird because the mount was exported using insecure, but adding resvport worked nonetheless.
Code Review with Gerrit, a mostly visual guide
Nice intro to using Gerrit

Linkage: June 22nd, 2012 to July 2nd, 2012

Terry Fan For Society6 – The Whale Print
Love this print
Blind Self-Portrait
Now there's a sound from my youth. Memories of visiting Dad at the office and playing with the old HP pen plotter abound.
AMD: The Definitive Source
An overview of AMD loaders and JS, emphasis on Dojo
Chicago-Style Hot Dogs: when you can’t (quite) get there from here
Everything is better Chicago-style
chopped salad with feta, lime and mint
tasty summer salad
Twitter / altonbrown: