
Linkage: July 11th, 2012 to July 13th, 2012

A Show : Shoes
Walking a mile in another man's shoes. Unexpectedly amazing. SSH-Agent Forwarding and GNU Screen
Handy workaround to get ssh fowarding through screen working if you switch connection points a lot.
The Best East Coast Adventures: Canoe Touring | New York |
Covers a short part of the Northern Forest Canoe Trail. Sounds like fun.
living grass portraits created by photosynthesis
amazing. turns out grass' color is determined by how much light it gets, so you can use it sort of like photographic paper.
Belle Helmets
Sweet hand-painted bike helmets

Linkage: June 6th, 2012 to June 21st, 2012

Doing the Line Charts Right —
Great notes on how to make great line charts
SPDY in Nginx
Finally. Can't wait to turn this on.
The care and feeding of software engineers (or, why engineers are grumpy) | NCZOnline
Long, excellent essay on software engineering as a profession
star trail photos
Amazing photos from astronaut Don Pettit on the ISS.
Cabin Life: The Rewards of Trail Work
" Drive slow, be quiet and keep your dog on a leash." The three simple rules of camping at a campground.

Linkage: March 23rd, 2012 to March 26th, 2012

Six Stages of Debugging
There must be 50 ways to close a popup: menus, dropdowns, tooltips, palettes, dialogs, and more
A rundown on many of the common ways you can dismiss a popup dialog. Popups always seem simple to implement, but when you get down to the things like this, the true complication is laid bare.
[Schoolbox] Unscrewed
The last photo is beautiful
Art Du Menuisier, Tom I, II, III
Pictures from Art Du Menuisier, close up. What a beautiful book.
Take Five
A handy little utility that will pause a variety of music client for five minutes (hence the name) and then resume. Something I’ve wished for in the past, but never cobbled up the time to write. Only $1 for a limited time.
responsivepx – a tool for responsive design
@rem built a wonderful tool for finding where designs break so you can insert media queries to reformat the design. Really nice work. The demo site it at