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- State of Password Cracking
- two-factor auth is nearing requirement
- Eastern Collective Textile iCables | Uncrate
- We were just cussing and discussing cables and power and red bars.
- What I Learned From Increasing My Prices
- If your business involves pricing, @bidsketch's 'What I Learned From Increasing My Prices' is required reading:
- Nerd Nightly News – Cheezburger – BETA
- Here's a DeLorean painted like a TARDIS –
- Untitled (
- Dope. Online REPL for 17 programming languages
- Computer Science | Khan Academy
- Yes, yes yes! Khan Academy's new interactive Computer Science learning platform looks fantastic: (Yay, Processing.js!)
- John Resig – Redefining the Introduction to Computer Science
- Introducing Khan Academy Computer Science:
- Tastemaker Wants To Make Interior Design More Affordable And Accessible | TechCrunch
- So proud of our former @giltgroupe employee @estherpark
who just launched on @Techcrunch today!
- You can’t spell POTUS without POUTS. on Twitpic
- You can't spell POTUS without POUTS.
- Screen-optimized fonts “look cheap on the retina MacBook Pro.” / Cameron Moll / Designer, Speaker, Author
- Screen-optimized fonts “look cheap on the retina MacBook Pro.”
- Why Blacksmiths are Better at Startups than You « Unicornfree
- why blacksmiths are better at startups than you are:
- Design Tip: Never Use Black by Ian Storm Taylor
- great tips on using "black" in an interface
- Vim as your IDE
- Nice overview of setting up Vim as an IDE
- JLOUIS Ramblings: Getting 2.5 Megalines of code to behave
- Erlang programmers view on Curiosity Rover software
- One Race, Every Medalist Ever – Interactive Graphic –
- An amazing visualization of winning times in the 100m dash.
- Bench is awesome.
- autopilot.
- Neat little blog engine that syncs with dropbox or google drive. Simple.
- A classic challenge
- Notes on the 3-day, 90 mile canoe race that happens us here every fall. So want to do this.
- Brief — A Chat Style for Skype 5 on OS X
- How to make Skype on Mac not look like a freaking cartoon.
- Nelson Swag Leg Desk – Home Office Desks – Desks & Tables – Herman Miller Official Store
- make me.
adk, bench, blog, canoe, chatstyle, engine, furniture, linkage, mac, python, race, skype, theme, tomake, tornado
- A Show : Shoes
- Walking a mile in another man's shoes. Unexpectedly amazing.
- SSH-Agent Forwarding and GNU Screen
- Handy workaround to get ssh fowarding through screen working if you switch connection points a lot.
- The Best East Coast Adventures: Canoe Touring | New York |
- Covers a short part of the Northern Forest Canoe Trail. Sounds like fun.
- living grass portraits created by photosynthesis
- amazing. turns out grass' color is determined by how much light it gets, so you can use it sort of like photographic paper.
- Belle Helmets
- Sweet hand-painted bike helmets
adk, adventure, agent, art, bike, canoe, craft, grass, helmet, keyfowarding, linkage, nature, photography, screen, ssh, Video, zefrank