
Linkage: August 8th, 2012 to August 14th, 2012

Computer Science | Khan Academy
Yes, yes yes! Khan Academy's new interactive Computer Science learning platform looks fantastic: (Yay, Processing.js!)
John Resig – Redefining the Introduction to Computer Science
Introducing Khan Academy Computer Science:
Tastemaker Wants To Make Interior Design More Affordable And Accessible | TechCrunch
So proud of our former @giltgroupe employee @estherpark
who just launched on @Techcrunch today!
You can’t spell POTUS without POUTS. on Twitpic
You can't spell POTUS without POUTS.
Screen-optimized fonts “look cheap on the retina MacBook Pro.” / Cameron Moll / Designer, Speaker, Author
Screen-optimized fonts “look cheap on the retina MacBook Pro.”
Why Blacksmiths are Better at Startups than You « Unicornfree
why blacksmiths are better at startups than you are:
Design Tip: Never Use Black by Ian Storm Taylor
great tips on using "black" in an interface
Vim as your IDE
Nice overview of setting up Vim as an IDE
JLOUIS Ramblings: Getting 2.5 Megalines of code to behave
Erlang programmers view on Curiosity Rover software
One Race, Every Medalist Ever – Interactive Graphic –
An amazing visualization of winning times in the 100m dash.

Linkage: June 6th, 2012 to June 21st, 2012

Doing the Line Charts Right —
Great notes on how to make great line charts
SPDY in Nginx
Finally. Can't wait to turn this on.
The care and feeding of software engineers (or, why engineers are grumpy) | NCZOnline
Long, excellent essay on software engineering as a profession
star trail photos
Amazing photos from astronaut Don Pettit on the ISS.
Cabin Life: The Rewards of Trail Work
" Drive slow, be quiet and keep your dog on a leash." The three simple rules of camping at a campground.

Linkage: May 24th, 2012 to May 31st, 2012

VIDEO: The Mercedes 300SL Gullwing. An instant classic…
Keep 'em running, keep 'em on the road.
On Being the New Boss
Every time Tim Bray says "Mr. Lowery," I cringe a little.
my pupils
stupid eye tricks. the brain is crazy.
US Housing Crisis – Negative Equity Infographic – Zillow
beautiful visualization of a terrible thing
API Design – Matt Gemmell
Mostly focused on iOS / OSX, but good thoughts

Linkage: April 20th, 2012 to April 26th, 2012

Google selling SketchUp?
Wonder what this means for the free version going forward.
SketchUp renderings…You Have Options
I had no idea you could use rendering plugins for Sketchup. Some of the demos are just jaw dropping.
COFFER on Vimeo
Wonderful integration of old and modern.
Horizon charts in D3
The design of a signage typeface
The backstory on Wayfinding Sans Pro, a new signage font.