- Computer Science | Khan Academy
- Yes, yes yes! Khan Academy's new interactive Computer Science learning platform looks fantastic: (Yay, Processing.js!)
- John Resig – Redefining the Introduction to Computer Science
- Introducing Khan Academy Computer Science:
- Tastemaker Wants To Make Interior Design More Affordable And Accessible | TechCrunch
- So proud of our former @giltgroupe employee @estherpark
who just launched on @Techcrunch today! - You can’t spell POTUS without POUTS. on Twitpic
- You can't spell POTUS without POUTS.
- Screen-optimized fonts “look cheap on the retina MacBook Pro.” / Cameron Moll / Designer, Speaker, Author
- Screen-optimized fonts “look cheap on the retina MacBook Pro.”
- Why Blacksmiths are Better at Startups than You « Unicornfree
- why blacksmiths are better at startups than you are:
- Design Tip: Never Use Black by Ian Storm Taylor
- great tips on using "black" in an interface
- Vim as your IDE
- Nice overview of setting up Vim as an IDE
- JLOUIS Ramblings: Getting 2.5 Megalines of code to behave
- Erlang programmers view on Curiosity Rover software
- One Race, Every Medalist Ever – Interactive Graphic – NYTimes.com
- An amazing visualization of winning times in the 100m dash.
Tag: datavis
Linkage: June 6th, 2012 to June 21st, 2012
- Doing the Line Charts Right — vis4.net
- Great notes on how to make great line charts
- SPDY in Nginx
- Finally. Can't wait to turn this on.
- The care and feeding of software engineers (or, why engineers are grumpy) | NCZOnline
- Long, excellent essay on software engineering as a profession
- star trail photos
- Amazing photos from astronaut Don Pettit on the ISS.
- Cabin Life: The Rewards of Trail Work
- " Drive slow, be quiet and keep your dog on a leash." The three simple rules of camping at a campground.
Linkage: May 24th, 2012 to May 31st, 2012
- VIDEO: The Mercedes 300SL Gullwing. An instant classic…
- Keep 'em running, keep 'em on the road.
- On Being the New Boss
- Every time Tim Bray says "Mr. Lowery," I cringe a little.
- my pupils
- stupid eye tricks. the brain is crazy.
- US Housing Crisis – Negative Equity Infographic – Zillow
- beautiful visualization of a terrible thing
- API Design – Matt Gemmell
- Mostly focused on iOS / OSX, but good thoughts
- Google selling SketchUp?
- Wonder what this means for the free version going forward.
- SketchUp renderings…You Have Options
- I had no idea you could use rendering plugins for Sketchup. Some of the demos are just jaw dropping.
- COFFER on Vimeo
- Wonderful integration of old and modern.
- Cubism.js
- Horizon charts in D3
- The design of a signage typeface
- The backstory on Wayfinding Sans Pro, a new signage font.