
Linkage: November 16th, 2012 to December 5th, 2012

Level Legs the Easy Way
Neat trick for leveling legs on four-legged objects. Requires a table saw.
ITTEN: The Elements of Color, 1970.
Wonderful book on color
Git Immersion
Good starting point for Git
Save _flymake files in a temporary directory | blog.arithm
How to make flymake behave with javascript using the jshint forumula from EmacsWiki
Using QOS – Tutorial and discussion |
A long, good read on setting up QoS for a SOHO network.

Linkage: October 18th, 2012 to November 16th, 2012

Setting up Emacs as a Javascript editing environment for Fun or Profit « Deadpan Sincerity
Some good tips on setting up Emacs to edit Javascript. This is where I stumbled upon auto-complete-mode. js-comint is super super handy.
Auto Complete Mode – The most intelligent auto-completion extension for GNU Emacs
Wow, an auto completion mode for emacs that actually seems to work. Worth a shot.
Tom Blomfield: Making something people want – The GoCardless story
"Most startups aren't competing with other startups; they're competing with no one giving a shit".
Writing Fast, Memory-Efficient JavaScript | Smashing Coding
Writing Fast, Memory-Efficient JavaScript –
Leaner Programmer Anarchy
Longish talk on programming and using anarchy to get shit done