
Linkage: December 7th, 2012 to December 20th, 2012

Geeky Fingernails / Doctor Who “Silence” manicure
#DoctorWho "Silence" Manicure #NailArt
A Tale of Animation Performance | CSS-Tricks
On using translate() vs top/left for moving elements around. First I'd seen of using translate() to do designy type motion effects. Pretty neat.
A Seasonal Tipple
Plane's Milk of Amnesia. Basically, make at home Bailey's.
You Are Not Your Code
Thoughts from Sam Stephenson, creator of Prototype
"jq is like sed for JSON data – you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text."

Linkage: November 16th, 2012 to December 5th, 2012

Level Legs the Easy Way
Neat trick for leveling legs on four-legged objects. Requires a table saw.
ITTEN: The Elements of Color, 1970.
Wonderful book on color
Git Immersion
Good starting point for Git
Save _flymake files in a temporary directory | blog.arithm
How to make flymake behave with javascript using the jshint forumula from EmacsWiki
Using QOS – Tutorial and discussion |
A long, good read on setting up QoS for a SOHO network.

Linkage: October 18th, 2012 to November 16th, 2012

Setting up Emacs as a Javascript editing environment for Fun or Profit « Deadpan Sincerity
Some good tips on setting up Emacs to edit Javascript. This is where I stumbled upon auto-complete-mode. js-comint is super super handy.
Auto Complete Mode – The most intelligent auto-completion extension for GNU Emacs
Wow, an auto completion mode for emacs that actually seems to work. Worth a shot.
Tom Blomfield: Making something people want – The GoCardless story
"Most startups aren't competing with other startups; they're competing with no one giving a shit".
Writing Fast, Memory-Efficient JavaScript | Smashing Coding
Writing Fast, Memory-Efficient JavaScript –
Leaner Programmer Anarchy
Longish talk on programming and using anarchy to get shit done

Linkage: July 5th, 2012 to July 10th, 2012

Inge Druckrey: Teaching to See on Vimeo
wow. watch this.
Modular JavaScript with RequireJS –
Nice short intro to coding with RequireJS
blackberry gin fizz | smitten kitchen
Yum. I'm a sucker for gin fizz.
10.6: Add NFS Mounts using Disk Utility – Mac OS X Hints
The weird trick that worked for me was to use the 'resvport' option when mounting the NFS share from OSX. Weird because the mount was exported using insecure, but adding resvport worked nonetheless.
Code Review with Gerrit, a mostly visual guide
Nice intro to using Gerrit

Linkage: July 3rd, 2012 to July 5th, 2012

UTC Clock Hack for OS/X 10.6
Show the time in UTC in the Mac dashboard widget. Can also just pick Reykjavík, Iceland, though the hack actually shows as UTC.
Replacing text in the DOM… solved? – James Padolsey
Very nice solution for matching text that spans DOM nodes in HTML. First time I've seen a sane solution to this problem.
Set up Time Machine on a NAS in three easy steps – Mac OS X Hints
Make your own Time Capsule
The Little Redis Book
A short book introducing redis
How do I run the iPad simulator to test a website on my mac – Ask Different
A reminder on where to find the iPad simulator these days. With the AppStore install of XCode, it's hiding inside the bundle